Title: Host-Directed-Medicine in Invasive Fungal Infections (HDM-FUN)
- Funding Source: European Union’s Horizon 2020
- Contract Number: 847505
- Budget (for the team): 300,000 €
- Duration: 48 months (2020-2024)
Title: Dissecting novel mechanisms of iron regulation during macrophage-fungal interplay (iMAC-FUN)
- Funding Source: European Union, ERC Consolidator Grant
- Contract Number: 864957
- Budget (for the team): 2,000,000 €
- Duration: 60 months (2020-2025)
Title: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Identification of Personalized Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets for Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis-TRANS-CPA
- Funding Source: “La Caixa” Banking Foundation call Health Research 2017 call
- Contract Number: 225186004
- Budget (for the team): 100, 000 €
- Duration: 24 months (2018-2022) (active grant)